The razor’s edge…$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=3&dy=0&id=p96206718625&a=214966864 The market is sliding along the razor's edge.  The SPX is only 9 points from the important trendline of nov12.  The formation has certain aspects of an alpha-beta-gamma…

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Straws in the wind?

Dennis Gartman, a prominent analyst, is reported by Marketwatch to be fleeing the market, provoked in part by the unsettling market action Friday.  He described his observation as like watching…

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The contrarian empire strikes back…$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=3&dy=0&id=p96206718625&a=214966864 First let us be clear.  Giving inordinate priority to one day's action militates against our long term intentions.  But -- oy vey -- what a day.  Yesterday the…

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Inch by bloody inch…$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=9&dy=0&id=p83750808625&a=214966864 SPX prices finally got it together to escape from the rectangle.  The breakout bars were nothing impressive, but who are we to look new highs in the mouth.  If…

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Market skitzy. Don’t trust it.$SPX&p=D&yr=0&mn=9&dy=0&id=p83750808625&a=214966864 As if you would ever trust it.  Only if you were in a fugue state.  Or drugged.  The market has basically been in a muddle for ---simple count…

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